What Ferblanc supported in 2021
Dr Stefano Pluchino and Dr Alexandra Nicaise, Dept of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge
Following a highly compelling round of grant applications in Q1 2021, the Trustees, supported by the Ferblanc Medical Council (FMC) are delighted to be fully funding the sum of £48,000 for an investigation into “Metabolic Control of Brain Ageing in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis” being undertaken by Drs Pluchino and Nicaise. Work commenced in September 2021.
The following update was given in April 2022:
“Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common neurological disability affecting young adults. In the early stages of the disease known as relapsing-remitting, symptoms appear and then partly or completely go away. However, 80% of these patients go on to develop a progressive condition within 10-15 years of disease onset:”. Continue reading here.
The following update was provided in April 2023:
“Under the support of Ferblanc, Drs Pluchino and Nicaise have managed to establish a human brain stem cell technology working as promising novel tool for gaining mechanistic insights into the metabolic determinants driving disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS). This disease-in-a-dish approach also proves to be a valuable instrument for exploring novel targeted therapeutic avenues for progressive MS.” A full paper for publication will be presented in due course and the preliminary and intermediate outcomes of the work have been presented to a number of national and international conferences.